About Me



Welcome, I’m Sara. 


Hi! I’m Sara and I’m passionate about all things Literature, Art, and Culture.

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I live in Italy and I teach Literature, Reading, and Writing at a high school—combining my Irish roots with my Italian family ties I have developed a unique, cross-cultural approach to education. I love connecting with my students and teaching and talking about literature everyday for a living.

I have always felt a calling to teach since I was very young and I discovered a love for literature when I was in high school. I realized the importance and practicality of skills-based learning, but as a teenager, I discovered—almost by accident—that certain works of literature, especially Dante’s Divine Comedy, could profoundly illuminate my experience as a 16-year-old. Classic literature offered me a key to understanding myself and the world, unlocking deep meaning which I think all of us, especially today’s generation of students, particularly crave.

Since then, using literature and culture to uncover meaning became my mission. I left my native Dublin to move to Milan in 2013 to pursue my Degree and Masters in Modern Literature and Humanities. I’ve been teaching for six years since graduating and decided to start this blog in 2024 to share my resources and my love for literature with like-minded teachers.

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” To quote Isaac Newton, I think education is much more than knowledge, rote-learning or memorizing; it’s an opportunity to get in touch with the great thinkers and writers of history and connect with them as if they were with us today.

What do those thinkers still have to offer us today? Dostoevsky captures it in one powerful sentence: “Beauty will save the world”. Beauty and wonder make us better individuals, citizens, teachers and students. What better goal could we have for education?

If you’re also a teacher, please let me know who you are in the comments and what brought you here. I would love to connect on this little corner of the internet with you. 
